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Sharon Pettit

Without the care she received at Methodist Hospital Texsan, Sharon Pettit would not be alive.

February 19, 2023
Sharon Pettit

Sharon Pettit is quick to admit that she would not be alive today without the care she received at Methodist Hospital Texsan.

In 2021, Sharon was in-and-out of medical facilities for a total of 10 weeks dealing with COVID and its complications. She had a pulmonary embolism, which caused the COVID to worsen. She was unable to breathe and felt extremely sick. “I could not walk at all,” she said. “I thought that I was dying.”

She was so disoriented that she remembered getting into the ambulance to go to the hospital, but not much after that. Her challenges continued as she had difficulties with equipment. Her chest tube was pulled out, and she nearly flat-lined. Then her lung collapsed.

Her situation changed when she arrived at Methodist Hospital Texsan ER. Carmelo Ortero, MD, cardiothoracic surgeon, assured her that she would recover and provided her with the determination to complete her rehabilitation.

“The level of care is unmatched,” said Sharon, a retired nurse. “The level of expertise and dedication was comforting to me and provided my husband with a sense of relief. I also was impressed with the effective communication and timely delivery of patient care.”

Now, in the last stages of her rehab, Sharon looks forward to spending time with her grandchildren.

February 19, 2023
Methodist Texsan Hospital

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